Once basic flight has been mastered, learning to perform aerobatic manoeuvres appeals to many pilots. Mastering the art of yaw, pitch and roll means aerobatics is one of the most exciting types of flight.

Heavy Models
Models which weigh between 7 kg and 25 kg are defined as heavy models and as such require a heavy model permit to fly. Permits can only be granted after an Airworthiness Inspection and evaluation process. This includes demonstrating to an MAAA Heavy Model Inspector that the person to be authorised to fly the model has the ability to safely operate the model in flight.
Model jets are extremely fast and require a great deal of skill and experience to fly. At PARCS, we fly both electric and gas turbine powered jets.

Multi-rotor aircraft are easy to use and fly and with sophisticated electronics they exemplify innovation in flight. Advances in stability mean that experienced pilots can demonstrate aerobatic flight with these models.
Scale Aircraft
Scale airplanes are replicas of full sized models. Many of these model aircraft have been built from scratch so that every detail is as close as possible to a full size aircraft.

From vertical take-off to flying sideways, model helicopters are becoming increasingly popular among members. Helicopter flight requires a different skillset to other model aircraft, with the ability to conduct some fantastic acrobatics their popularity will continue to head sky high.
Four types of helicopters are available:
- Scale replicas of a full size helicopters
- Small electric powered training machines,
- Speed helicopters
- 3D
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